Have You Seen These Updates?

What’s New With

updated 8/13

  • You can now sort your areas and files however you’d like. We’ve added a-z or z-a filters, as well as a click and drag tool for custom sorting.
  • You can now search for specific sites on the Admin Dashboard.
  • Our online chat provides quick access to our team, as well as an online help center with more information being added all the time.
  • 1, 4, 12 QR codes per page print options. Now you can print as many QR codes as you’d like.
  • Archive Buttons are now active on the main page. You can archive your past projects, keeping them hidden in your admin page, or you can permanently delete sites, as needed.
  • We’ve added image/video galleries to each of the rooms. In addition to sharing files, you can now upload and share photos and videos. These work great for your 4-way inspection and give teams immediate access to images.
  • We’ve added the Design Skin (included in Pro Accounts). The Design Skin is great for builders or designers who want to share completed projects with home show guests or as a way for designers to continue giving access to their hard work and designs. You can share professional images or videos and can provide affiliate links for products seen in the home. You can even link prospective clients to your website.
  • Custom logo & color theme in the Design Skin. Users can white label their screens with their own logo and branding.
  • Remember, the Pro Plan includes all features from Build and Design, and will include ALL future updates.